Categories: Passed Away 1 Comment

Gone To Her Eternal Rewards

Sis Rampiarie Deonanan also known as Sis. Dolly, died on Wednesday 19th June, 2013.  Her sojourn on this side of heaven was 78 years having started on December 8th 1934.

She received membership in the New Testament Church of God Iere Village on April 13, 1986.  She was an exemplary member; her conversion was noticeable to all.  Our sister fought a good fight, she kept the course and has finished her race.  She has now gone unto her eternal reward.

We express our condolences to the family of Sis Dolly and remind them that Our God is the God of all comfort.  You may find solace in Him.

One Comment

  1. Sis. Dolly was a very devoted and dedicated Christian woman who shared the gospel of Jesus Christ with anyone she came in contact with whether it was in the clinic or any other public place. She was a very selfless and hospitable person to anyone who visited her home. Thank God for everyone who visited her while she was ill even though she may not have been aware.I am glad that she has gone to meet her Maker who , I am sure, has welcomed her with open arms.Let us, who are alive,take an example from her life since she became a Christian.

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